March 4, 2025

When Was the Last Time You Got Outside to Enjoy Nature?

Living next to a wooded area and farm field, you often see and hear wild animals. Sometimes you hear raccoons fighting in the woods after dark, and more recently the raccoons have been using your yard for their latrine! But today was a bit different. You took some leaves that you had raked up to the woods behind your house to use for composting when you heard some rustling in the nearby woods. you looked up and saw a baby raccoon walking toward your way. He looked lost, so you started talking to him asking where his mommy was. The more you talked to him, the closer he moved toward you. It is likely that your motherly instincts kicked in, and you felt so sorry for him. He appeared very lost, and he seemed to take comfort in your voice! He was the cutest little guy, cute little eyes, cute mask, and ringed tail! He looked like a little toy! But he looked like a lonely toy.

You continued to talk to him, and he replied with his cute little raccoon sounds, which his mother finally heard! You eventually heard more rustling then saw the little raccoon coming out to get her baby! You said your goodbye to the little guy and told him to go with his Mommy. He was so cute, and he made your heart melt. You did not have your cell phone with me, so you could not get a photo of Mom or baby, but this is a memory you will not soon forget.

Have You Ever Had Success Talking to the Animals?

What you did not notice was that while you were looking in on these furry little friends, your husband was looking in on you. And while you were initially embarrassed at him finding you talking to animals, you soon realized this was not the case. In fact, a following conversation found your husband admitting he, too, talks to creatures. Especially when he is out fly fishing, your husband admitted that he often shares stories of encouragement to the fish he is hoping to land. And while the silence of fly fishing might be what most people have heard about, there are many people who really find the comfort of nature to reach out to the fish they are searching.

Custom fly reels and finding the best spots are, of course, the top tasks that so many people consider when they head out fly fishing, but in the solitude of the actual fishing there is likely a lot of secret conversations that occur. Whatever it is that you have in your official and unofficial fly fishing tackle bag, it is important to note that finding a way to commune with nature may be especially important during these most challenging of times. The process of preparing a perfectly stocked fly fishing tackle bag is important, but so, too, is the actual time that is spent enjoying nature and getting some fresh air. Finding a way to enjoy the simplicity of nature is just the kind of break that most people need right now.

Even the routine of filling the fly fishing tackle bag can help you establish a pattern that will also alleviate stress and worry. In a time when so much of the around the clock news is simply too much to handle, there will be more people looking for a way to get away from it all. Fortunately, fishing is one of the activities that is deemed as one of the safer ways to return to normal activities. Consider these facts and figures about the ways that this sport has helped many people in the past, and will hopefully serve as a relaxing activity in the uncertain future:

  • More than 60% of recreational fishing participants were under 45 in the year 2017.
  • In the year 2017, the largest share of fishing participants went on four to 11 trips, but a small percentage went on fishing outings more than 104 times a year.
  • In 2018, there was just under 30 million paid fishing license holders in the country. The gross cost of these fishing licenses exceeded $720 million.
  • Some armed with fly fishing tackle bags, an estimated 51.59 million people went fishing in 2017.
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