July 27, 2024

Chemistry management

Having a swimming pool is quite the investment. In fact, it’s kind of like having a second kid. Not only do you have to open and close it during the appropriate seasons, but you also have the added responsibility of year-round pool maintenance.
But worry not! Here are four simple maintenance tips for pool owners that will help to create a paradise out of their outdoor pool space.

  1. A clean pool is a happy pool.
    No one likes swimming around in a pool full of slimy old leaves and dead bugs. To ensure that your pool is comfortable and clean, practice daily skimming.
    For more advanced cleaning with less physical labor, consider investing in an automated pool cleaner, also known as robotic pool cleaners.
    Another important part of any clean pool is ensuring that algae is kept at bay. That can be prevented by regularly scrubbing the sides of your pool. This should be done every other week.
    If you don’t have the time, it’s always okay to invest in a professional pool cleaner!
  2. Filters are key.
    Pool filters provide the essential cleaning power that rids swimming pools of impurities, debris, and even small items like swimming pool toys! That being said, it’s important that this powerful filtration system is properly maintained and kept intact.
    To practice proper filter maintenance, check, clean, and change filters as frequently as needed. Experts recommend cleaning out your filter baskets at least once per week.
  3. Maintain consistent chemical levels.
    Pools with improper chemical balances can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms. Also, poorly imbalanced pools can turn murky and will lead to skin and eye irritation. Nobody wants that.
    To make sure you clean is fresh, clean, and safe, make sure these six chemical levels are being maintained:
    -Cyanuric Acid
    -Acidity and Alkalinity
    -Calcium Hardness
    -Total Alkalinity
    -Free Chlorine
    Figuring out whether or not these chemicals are balance is easy; all you need is a pool testing kit.

  4. Watch those water levels!
    During the heat of the summer, pools are susceptible to many changes in water levels, such as rainstorms, heat waves, one too many cannonballs, and more. The desired level is at the midpoint of the skimmer. To add more water, use a garden hose and adjust your pool’s chemicals accordingly. If the water level is too high, you may need a pump to remove the excess.
    Read more about this topic at this link. Helpful research also found here.

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