October 22, 2024

Freeform swimming pool

Whether you’re looking to beat the summertime heat, escaping on a much-needed vacation, or fitting in a workout, the pool is a good place to end up. And there are plenty to choose from, with 309,000 public swimming pools available in the U.S. from which to choose to suit your splashing fancy. That number seems tiny, however, in comparison to the 10.4 million swimming pools owned privately in residential areas. If you spend a lot of time in the pool, or are considering giving your house an upgrade, constructing a pool could be in your not-too-distant future.

Why install a pool at home?
Constructing a pool may seem like a huge undertaking with a large price tag (many in-ground pool installation projects can set you back around $20,000 to $50,000), the perks just might outweigh your hesitations. First of all, it’s a pool, and it’s in your yard. Where do we even start with all the reasons why that’s just the coolest? Neighborhood parties just got amped up a notch. Your house just became the go-to fun zone for all your kids’ friends. You don’t have to go far at all in order to exercise, or relax for that matter. On top of all of those attractive factors, what you may not realize is that installing an in-ground pool can increase your home’s value by as much as 8%, a nice jump for something that you will be deriving immense enjoyment from while you are there.

Finding the perfect pool for you
When constructing a pool for your house for you and your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy, you will want to consider the timing of the installation, as well as the pool design. Some pools, without significant weather delays, can be started and finished within a period as short as two weeks. Many installations are not that speedy, however, and can even take months. So if you want to take advantage of your new addition during the hot and sticky days of summer, it’s best to start planning installation in the spring. The pool construction process will no doubt feel ages longer, as you envision playing classic swimming pool games and floating on an inflatable air mat, iced beverage in hand. Perhaps you can pass the time by shopping for patio furniture and pool games and accessories, and printing out those invitations to that first fabulous pool party you’ll host. As far as the design, many people opt for the classic rectangular, gradually deepening pool, but there is always the option to add a little flair with a unique shape or design.

It may be a big investment, and a huge commitment during the installation process, but it is hard to see the down sides of having your very own pool. There are, of course, safety measures to consider, but aren’t there always with anything worth experiencing?

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