Does anyone else struggle with school lunches? It may be the end of the school year now, but it is never too soon to start getting your children in the habit of eating some really great food. And while we may all go into the school year knowing that school lunches are both convenient and affordable, the reality is that they really are not very nutritious. When you are in the middle of the school year, it can also be tempting to allow your children to spend hours in front of the screen instead of getting the healthy exercise that they need. This summer, however, you can make it possible for your children to not only eat right, but also get the kind of physical activity that can make them healthy. From learn to swim lessons for the youngest children to swim team practice for teenagers, summer is the perfect time to make sure that you are being the best parent ever.
Healthy Food Can be Fun and Tasty!
Today may be the last day of school and you may be very excited to start working on healthier choices for your kiddos for the summer, but you can also use these months of June, July, and August to make certain that you are preparing them for a lifetime of making the right kinds of food choices! If, for instance, you are going to make a goal that next year your will have lunch from home more often then hot lunch at school, you can spend time in the summer working with even your youngest school age children to not only teach them how to help in their own food preparation, but to train their pallet as well.
Any time you are approaching the idea of improving everyone’s eating it is important to realize that the success of any long term change will require a parent’s lead and the motivation to stay in control. We live in a time when it is so easy to pop through the closest fast food drive through or to have our children eat school for both breakfast and lunch. If, however, you want to set the best example for your children you need to help create the right mindset.
You may have access to 75 kid friendly lunch ideas, but if you do not start going through the list this summer you may find yourself resorting to old habits of fast food and school lunches. It may take a little more time, effort, and money to eat healthy meals, but it is worth it to make sure that you are setting your children up for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.
Learn to Swim Classes Help Your Children Learn a Valuable Life Skill
In addition to making sure that your children eat the healthiest of meals, as a parent you should also spend time making sure that they are getting healthy amounts of exercise. In fact, the decision to enroll your children in learn to swim classes or more advanced swimming lessons it is important is a great way to make certain that your child will be safe any time they are around water.
Learning to swim lessons for beginners teach children not only how o manage themselves when they are in the water, but also teach both parent and child other important water safety lessons. Unfortunately, the latest research indicates that drowning is the second-leading cause of unintentional injury death for children and sixth for people of all ages. Taking learn to swim classes is one step that can help avoid this scary statistic.
An even more unfortunate set of statistics is that depending on the background of your family, you might be even more likely to not have the water experience to stay safe. In fact, 64% of African-American children have no to low swimming ability; 79% of children in families with household income less than $50,000 have no of low swimming ability; and 45% of Hispanic children have no to low swimming ability. Fortunately, there are groups that are trying to remedy this problem.
Healthy lunches and learning to swim are great summer goals for everyone!
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