October 22, 2024

10 Camping Supplies You Need When Enjoying the Great Outdoors

Adventure gear

Do you love the great outdoors and are planning a camping trip? Maybe it’s to stargaze or maybe it’s to escape from the ‘conveniences’ of modern life. Whatever your reason, you’re going to need a few camping supplies to get you through it. The average camper took 5 trips in 2012, an increase 2010. In 2012, almost $2 billion was spent on camping equipment alone. If you’re just starting out use this camping checklist to see what adventure gear you really need.


Whether you’re going through a well-worn footbath or winging a dense forest, you’re going to want a map and a compass. GPS tracking systems are great, but can fail in the wilderness. When in doubt, pack a compass just in case — oh, and be sure to learn how to use one before you go!

Sun Protection

The difference between a regretful experience and an exciting new hobby could come in the form of sunscreen. Adding a bottle of sunscreen to your camping gear can protect you from the sun’s harmful rays. Sun protecting clothing is also available.

Extra Clothing

If conditions suddenly turn for the worst, you’ll want to be protected. Place an additional set of clothing in a plastic bag to keep it safe from the elements.


Roaming around in the dark is no fun and can quickly turn deadly. Be sure you’ve got some form of lighting, be it a flashlight or a headlight. If your trip is like 70% of outdoor adventures, you’ll have people with you. Make sure everyone has their own flashlight and don’t forget the extra batteries.

First Aid Kit

If you slip and cut yourself on a rock, having a first aid kit takes the guesswork out of figuring out which plants are safe to wrap around a wound.

Fire Supplies

Never underestimate the power of a good match. While lighters are convenient, a broken lighter or no fuel won’t help anyone. Be sure you keep the matches in a waterproof container with your other water sensitive camping supplies and have some good, reliable fire starter on hand.

Tools and Repairs

You’ll want to carry some sort of blade on you, be it for chopping down vines, adventure gear repair, first aid, or anything else. You’ll want to have an emergency multi-purpose tool that has a can opener, a screwdriver, and a knife at the minimum.

Extra Food

Just because anything could happen you should pack a day’s worth of non-perishable food. Jerky, fruit bars, or even freeze dried meals can save your life.

Extra Water

For the same reasons as the food, you’ll want to carry extra water with you. Always refill using a filter system to keep any nasties from contaminating your water.


Two way radios, satellite telephones, or even whistles can save your life if something should go terribly wrong. Whatever you choose, be sure you have enough batteries or whatever needed to last potentially days.

For the amateur camper, would you have though that so many supplies would be needed just to satisfy your camping needs? Better be safe than sorry, though. A simple list of camping supplies won’t cost you very much and can wind up saving your life if you should get stranded.

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