October 22, 2024

Preparing for Your First Hike What to Know

Brevard nc cabins

Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle of the city life. One popular activity during camping is to hike. Research found that 92% of campers took up hiking while camping out. Another study by the American Hiking Society found that 34 million people in the United States hike each year. New hikers may feel a bit apprehensive about their first hiking adventure. In this post, you will learn what to take care of before your first hike.

  • Decide How Much Time to Set Aside: A beginning hiker will want to set aside a small amount of time for a first hike. If you have hiked in the past, you could be able to hike for longer amounts of time. Your fitness level is highly dependent upon how long you will want to be hiking. Someone who regularly exercises will have higher cardiovascular endurance than someone who doesn’t exercise. Hiking trips for beginners should not be an all day outing. A hiking vacation by a beginner should consist of doing partial trails or those specifically aimed for beginners.
  • Which Path to Choose: You will have a big advantage if you are camping near a hiking site. The main benefit is that hiking trips ensure you are always near your room for the night. If you are glamping, campgrounds with cabins are perfect for having the amenities you desire. Not having a long drive after spending all day hiking is an event campers are happy to avoid. Hiking trips provide people with many trails, all in relatively close proximity to each other. Hiking for families is better done on trails that are easy for everyone.
  • What to Bring: In certain cases, advanced hikers are guilty of packing too much. When you are on your first hike, you should not be hiking all day. It is wise to start out slow with hiking, working your way up over time. Therefore, packing for a first hike should only be concerned with essentials. You will want to pack water for yourself as well as a few snacks. A first aid kit is easy enough to carry around. You might not need first aid but it is always wise to be prepared.
  • What to Wear on a First Hike: Starting with feet, you will want them to be well protected. Sandals are not recommended for hiking. You might enjoy the breeze from sandals. However, this type of footwear doesn’t offer adequate grip or protection and is dangerous. Hiking boots or shoes are wise options to wear when hiking. Boots can sometimes feel too bulky for longer hikes. Finding footwear that is comfortable and durable is important when choosing footwear. Research shows that people can burn between 400-700 calories an hour while hiking.
  • You can either choose to wear pants or shorts when hiking. The type of pants will depend upon the weather and hiking conditions. A lightweight type of pant would be the best of both worlds. Lightweight fabric ensures comfort and a breathable material while still ensuring your skin is protected. Pants help keep you protected against poison ivy, bug bites, and the sun.

    Choosing a shirt for a hike will come down to picking shorter or longer sleeves. If you want more protection against sunburns, go for the long sleeves. However, hot temperatures may call for shorter sleeves. In hotter conditions, ensure you pack and use the proper amount of sunscreen. In addition, it is recommended to wear some type of hat or visor for protection against the sun.

    In closing, hiking trips are important to properly prepare for. Setting aside the proper amount of time is an important preparation step. Beginners will not want to be out hiking on a five hour trail. It is wise to only pack the absolute essentials, especially when on a first time hike. Water is always a recommended item to pack on any hike. You will want to dress for the conditions when hiking. Having weather forecasts for your hiking area is a great way to stay prepared. Following these tips will help ensure your first hike is a great one.

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