According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children and teens should have at least one hour of physical activity per day. Unfortunately, only one-third of this portion of the population is considered physically active, with many opting to stay inside. In fact, kids today spend an average of seven-and-a-half hours per day in front of their computers and TVs, which leaves little time for exercise. As a result, kids fitness is at record lows, even as the government renews its focus on kids nutrition and physical activity.
However, parents can make a difference in their children’s lives by planning appropriate activities for the summer. There are plenty of ways that parents can motivate their children to take their physical fitness seriously — and parents can get in on the fun, too. Here are three solutions that you can use to improve your children’s fitness goals — and maybe even your own, as well:
Make family outdoor time a priority.
Telling kids to go outside and play may seem like a losing battle, but it’s entirely possible when you add some structure to the activity. One way to get the entire family moving is to suggest a daily walk around the neighborhood. This is a great idea after dinner, so kids and parents can enjoy the outdoors together. You can also buy canadian ultram online choose a different outdoor game, like basketball or volleyball, and play the game in the yard. If a daily activity isn’t an option, try heading to a park or hiking trail in your area on the weekends.
Look into summer camps in your area.
For decades now, there has been no better staple of summer fun than camp. Day and overnight kids camps are wonderful options for busy families, especially for parents who may be working long hours during the summer months. However, there may be other types of camps in your area that have a focus on family and kids fitness activities. Check out local campgrounds, beach camps, and other kid- and family-friendly getaways near you. There are more than 12,000 throughout the entire United States, so you have plenty to choose from.
Take a vacation.
There are plenty of destinations you can go to that will offer outdoor activities for the whole family. From camping and boating on a lake to swimming at the beach, there are all sorts of fun outdoor activities that will keep kids away from the TV. Going away for a weekend or a few days will also give everyone time to recharge, so stress won’t keep everyone indoors and antisocial.
Have more suggestions for outdoor summer fun and kids fitness? Tell us in the comments.
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